Monday, September 3, 2012

9.3.12 Why you should host book club

Today it was my turn to host book club.  We read Wild:  Lost to Found on the Pacific Coast Trail, by Cheryl Strayed.  Wonderful book, with lots to discuss. This book club has been going for 3 years now.  We have gained and lost people, staying around 8 members.  We don't want to get much larger, as people seem to feel more comfortable discussing books with a smaller group, and also, it can be hard to seat everyone comfortably if it gets much larger.  When hosting book club, I give some thought to refreshments, and also picking up the house.  Our house has been in a downward spiral for 6 months.  Slowly, we are rebounding!  Today Dan and I worked on the main floor...
At the expense of this seeming like a real estate ad, I thought I should snap photos while the house was picked up.  When I was cleaning/sorting/throwing in the mudroom, the funniest things I found in the back of the cubby were shopping bags.  One contained stocking stuffers from Christmas.  The other contained 3 kinds of Easter candy for eggs.  
Aside from spending time doing something I enjoy (reading and discussing books) a pleasant occurance is that our house does get picked up.  

1 comment:

  1. It looks very nice! Purhaps I should host a book club...
