Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9-24-12 Flora and Fauna

September is the best month for my flowers.  They love the cooler nights and days that are in the 70's, not over 100 degrees.  Here are a few...geraniums and I don't know what this green plant is called.
Below, Impatiens.

Matt & Mauri's wedding hydrangea...
Judy's maple tree in the front is a little past it's glory. Due to the drought, the leaves didn't have the brilliance this year.  When Matt and Zach left home, evidentally I sent them a picture of Judy's maple tree every year when it turned color.  I can't remember which one of them said, "Mom, do you realize you are sending me the same picture of Judy's tree every year?"  Yes, I do!  Channeling Edie!
Our Silver Maple in the backyard is still green, but it will turn a brilliant yellow gold.

These are my geraniums in the back on the deck...just lush right now! They will last until the first hard frost, which may be at the end of October.  You can never tell here. 
My flowers make me happy most days.  Not so fond of all the watering time when the temps are above 90, but love them at this time of year!

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