Last week Finn was wheezing and sneezing. We lost Jack by waiting too long for a vet visit when he had a respiratory illness, and I didn't want to make the same mistake with Finn. Into the cat carrier he went, yowling the most pitiful sounds all the way across town. (I have never known any cat to be happy, travelling in a vehicle.) We adopted Finn from the animal rescue group a year ago. He is very affectionate and a purring machine. He has always seems to us to be "skinny" or on the small side. The vet weighed him and she said, "Finn falls into the lean, normal range. He is 6.5 pounds. This is a healthy, normal cat that gets good exercise. Normal for cats is not like Garfield." Good to know! He has been on antibiotics since Saturday, and is showing marked improvement in the sneezing and wheezing category.
We have adopted all of our cats. The first two came to our home, had lived off the streets, and found us!
One of Finn's favorite pass times..Looking out the patio doors at squirrels and birds. He waits to go out. Then he sits at the door and waits to come back in! Cats are independent. You can leave them for a weekend without someone to care for them. They are glad to see you when you return. They don't bark. I once read that children with pets display more qualities of empathy for other people. We know that pets lower blood pressure and stress levels. All in all, I would say I smile 10 times a day that I would not if I didn't have Finn to laugh at.
: )