Wednesday, September 19, 2012

9.18.12 Kmart Shop Your Way Reward Points

I love my Kmart reward points.  Unlike the Shopko Saver card, which has never done anything for me, but rather only tracks all my purchases for their data, the Kmart rewards card gives me points for CASH BACK!!!  I love it.  Any purchases from Sears (appliances), Lands End (clothing) or Kmart (just about everything else) all contribute to the ShopYourWayRewards card point total. We use the Kmart Pharmacy, and the points really add up.  The other night I took Joey to Great Clips for his monthly haircut, followed by a stop at Kmart for sudafed.  While there, we remembered that we needed to buy a birthday gift for a friend that invited Joe to his party on Saturday.  When paying for the sudafed ( yes, show my driver's licence and pay at the pharmacy window, to verify I am not a meth manufacturer) my friendly Kmart pharmacy tech reminded me that I had over $22.00 in shoppers reward points.
Next stop, Lego isle, the destination for all birthday gifts.  The stores here do not yet have the dinosaur themed lego sets, but did have the "monster fighters".They contain special character pieces, such as a mummy, a werewolf, and a little vampire.  Joey is very excited about the heroes in the series, which drive/fly various vehicles...the all terrain unit pictured here, a helicopter, and a boat.
You guessed it...I used my Kmart Shoppers Reward points to buy the Lego set!

You've got to hand it to the Lego product developers.  They are always thinking of something new.  Probably years in advance! It is a toy line that provides hours of fun.  You never see Legos at a rummage sale.  

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