Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8.29.12  Dental visits
Yesterday was Joey's first dental visit to Dr. Chris.  Good news or bad news first?  The good news is that Joey liked Dr. Chris and they gave him a nice bag of dental care items....
The bad news is he has 6 cavities, and two more appointments scheduled.  One for fillings, one for spacers? He has spaces where his teeth were pulled last year.  The theory is that the spacers will keep his molars from moving forward and crowding out the other permanent teeth that will come in.  I think his favorite gift item was the timer, because the ends are shaped like teeth.  The timer is a good idea.  One minute seems like forever.   He kind of got the giggles when rinsing with the ACT flouride rinse.
Following the dental visit, we stopped at Shopko to use the $1 coupon on ACT flouride rinse.  Joey wanted to look at school supplies, which are now being clearanced, to make way for Christmas decor.  We found surprises for Emma there.
Red Angry Bird for Emma, Black Angry Bird for Joe.  Gotta love the clicker pen.  We also bought a dry erase board and pen for Joe to practice his spelling words on.  Reasons to come home for a visit Em!  Red Angry bird planner and clicker pen.

Well, not totally exciting, but realistic for our lives.  Just trying to work, get Joe to and from school, and keep the flowers alive in the 100 degree heat.

1 comment:

  1. Love your news, well, except for the cavities. I'm glad the dentist had good repor with Joe.
