Monday, August 20, 2012

8.20.12  School Begins!
This is a staged photo from last night.  Remember how I used to make each of you take a picture by the back to school flag on the first day of school?  I feared Em would not be up yet, so I asked her to take a photo last night with Joe.  Yesterday we wrapped up Joe's school shopping.  The stretchy book covers had eluded us. Also had shopping to do for Em's dorm and laundry supplies, a fan, some dishes, office supplies, etc.  I remember how difficult it was to do "back to school shopping" for four kids, instead of just one.  Joe was anxious last night and had trouble falling asleep.  Today was better.  He has two kids new to the school in his classroom, which is exciting. He had music and computers today for specials.  Homework wasn't too bad for the first day!  One day down, 175 to go.  

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