Thursday, November 8, 2012

11.8.12 Daylight Savings time

Good grief.  Did the originators of daylight savings time ever give thought to how the time change affects children?  Joe was up at 5:20 a.m. this morning. With the time "falling back" Sunday, Joe is simply off.  It makes the days long for young people, and old people! He is taking in an episode of Lego Ninjago.  Thank goodness for dvr.  Public Television children's programming does not start before 6:30 a.m. This series, along with the Lego Clutch Powers series, makes me laugh.  How can you seriously become involved in a series with characters whose Lego hands are in the shape of letter C?  So funny.
All day yesterday Joey was saying how he wished he could "skip Wednesday" and get to Learn To Skate day.  Well, it's here.  Hopefully with getting up so early, he will have strength and attention left for skating at 5:15 p.m.

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