Something we don't think about in town is burn piles. We pay refuse collectors and recycling companies to pick up our garbage. Joe was quite fascinated by the massive burn pile today. It was massive. The land owner, Rod, let Joe come out with him to monitor the burn pile in the field. It started out with Joe watching Rod's dog, a black and white midsized spaniel. Rod told Joe that his dog, "Mac McMillon" was deaf, due to a disease he had as a pup. Joe was fascinated that the dog watched his owner's hand signals and responded. Joe really like the dog. In spite of drizzle, that burn pile was going pretty strong. There were tree roots that had to be 10 foot across, in some of the trees they were burning. Joey completely smelled smokey. As soon as we got home, he had a bath, and I washed everything he was wearing. He had an apple, some Lipton Chicken Noodle soup, and watched Martha Stewart's cooking school with me. (Today's topic: Rice) Martha's voice has always been soothing to me. I admire her deep appreciation of so many things around rice! I love the public television series on cooking, and her return to just her and the camera, rather than an audience.
This is the effect Martha has on Joe...
Exhausted from a busy farm day...the burn pile, helping dad and zach by pulling nails out of the floor ("mom, look how many nails I have so far in my pile!", the painting, finding the stereo cabinet. Time to carry Joe up to bed. He is getting almost to big and heavy for us to carry up the stairs.
I agree with you on Martha's voice-I tell people her voice makes me feel like everything will be ok, lol. I'm sure she can be quite intimidating when things aren't done her way but If my name was going to be tarnished because of what people who represented me did I'd be stern too. I watched an old Martha Stewart Weddings show for free on Hulu today. It was Jodi Lavine's wedding-she has a passion for paper and made beautiful paper flowers for the wedding and had help designing her own dress which I loved. Martha had a man who was so enthuziastic for his craft of ice sculpting. Her field trips are SO divers; form making whisky to harvesting blueberries to building old fashion slieghs with old tools to Tiffany's jewlery store and on&on. I'm glad the day was good for Joe. You all must be exhausted.