Saturday, November 24, 2012

11.24.12 Holiday Gift Giving

I was following this thread on 2peas message board this morning:


The post was about limiting gifts to 4 items:
Something they want,
Something they need,
Something to wear,
Something to read.

I like it!
The holidays can be very materialistic today, and we try to minimalize that.  My Grandma Faye sewed new pajamas for each grandchild, every year.  We all knew we were getting pajamas! The suspense was in wondering what fabric grandma chose for us, and what the style was!  Tops and bottoms?  Nightgown style?  We knew we were loved, and learned that a gift of someone's time is a very precious thing!

My other grandmother, Esther, made little felt table name pieces and ornaments for us each year, that might contain a candy cane, and a $5 bill.  I looked forward to that every year, seeing what grandma would create.

I am proud to say my "black friday expenditures" yesterday were limited to a couple of happy meals at McDonalds for Joey and Matthew!

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