I have a sticker on my monitor at work that says...
"Don't let what you can't do, stop you from doing what you can do."
Here's the take away message here...the world is run by people doing what they can, with what they have.
It's usually not run by the experts/most skilled. It's run by the most willing to put forth effort. I am not an expert in basketball, but I am an expert in 1st and 2nd graders! They need a certain number of parents to even start the sessions, and I'm sure it gets even harder to commit next year, when the kids play 2 nights a week. My willingness to be present allows a good experience for 16 boys who want to play.
Here is a list of other things I've done that I am not highly qualified for...
- Wasn't raised as a Catholic, but taught religious ed and confirmation for 14 years (and counting)
- Was never a boy scout, but have put in 6 years as a den leader (and counting)
- Never managed a fund raiser, but ran the Skating and Hockey association fundraiser out of our dining room for 4 years, with about $18,000 of funds per year.
- Never had played hockey, but could manage a penalty box for 12 years
- Was never trained in cake decorating, but tried to make special cakes for our kids' birthdays
My intention is to be present for my children, and others who do not have a parent or adult to be there for them. When Joey was born, I was determined that I would not use my age as an excuse not to contribute. If I could help with all these things for our other kids, I will do them for Joey as well. I don't want him to remember me as a parent who was not involved. No parent can do everything, but I'm a big believer in taking turns. I will do what I can, and I hope you will too.
Love this : )