Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2.5.13 What we're reading now..

We always have several books going at the same time.  Louise gave Joe this book as a Christmas gift, and we've been reading a chapter a night since then.This thick book is actually three small "classics" in one.  We are very much enjoying the stories.  It is also available on kindle.
In addition to a bedtime read aloud for pleasure, Joe often has reading homework.  On  Monday nights he brings home his reading text.This week, the selection was Storms, by Seymor Simon.  He is a fabulous non-fiction science author.  I have probably 15 of his books in the storage unit in my teaching crates.
He is also reading this book, which is a compilation of 5 short stories about dogs...You can't go wrong with stories about Barry the St. Bernard, and Balto, which are 2 of the 5 dogs featured.
For my bookclub, I just finished reading a book written in 1971 originally.  It is titled The Water is Wide, by Pat Conroy.  He is better known for writing The Prince of Tides, which I have never read.  The water is wide is a true story about a time, fresh out of college, when he taught in a multiage schoolhouse on an island off the coast of South Carolina. This book had so many discussion points...the culture of the island people, the racial tensions of the 1960's in the south, passion for education, etc. Note the water bird in the cover art, and the Palmetto trees.  I want to go to these islands for vacation! I know Emily would love the architecture in Charlston or Savannah, and I would enjoy the beaches, and the marshes.

Finally, I am just starting The Twelve Tribes of Hattie, by Ayana Mathis.  It is very critically acclaimed, and I look forward to the read.

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