Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2.13.13 Ash Wednesday

Eating grilled cheese for supper.  Today is Ash Wednesday.  I attended mass this morning with Joe.
"From dust you came, and to dust you shall return."
People sacrifice different things during the Lenten Season.  I heard that one person gave up Facebook for Lent!  That wouldn't be much of a sacrifice for me, since I never post and don't go to Facebook often. 
The Presentation Sisters sent out a pamphlet that had some excerpts from "The Sacred Art of Fasting", by Father Thomas Ryan.  I like many of his ideas.
"Fast from judging others:
  • Recall how God looks compassionately on our faults.
  • Unhook from conversations in which others are being judged.
Fast from anger, resentment, bitterness:
  • Pray for the grace to forgive those who have hurt you.
  • Pray for the understanding of resentfulness.
  • Ask someone for forgiveness. 
Fast from complaining:
  • When feeling inclined to complain, stop and look at how you are blessed, and give thanks. 

Fast with your eyes:
  • Become informed about causes of hunger in the world.
  • Reflect more on your life through journaling
Fast with your ears:
  • Be attentive to the words of others.
  • Listen to and let yourself be challenged by the words expressed in the Scriptures.
Fast with your mouth:
  • Appreciate more simple food and drink, like water, and good bread.
  • Invite someone to consider a vocation to religious life.
Fast with your hands:
  • Make time in your schedule to put your hands together in prayer.
  • Share from your own goods with those who have less.
  • Extend a gentle touch of encouragement.
Fast with your feet:
  • Offer  yourself a daily quiet half hour of reading  that nourishes your spirit.
  • Pray for the desire to walk humbly with your God. "
Internal reflection is good for all of us.  That's what I love most about Lent.

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