My good friend, Dona passed away today at the age of 85. She had a massive heart attack about 5 days ago, followed by another, and several days of ensuing complications at the Heart Hospital. She was surrounded by her daughter, Joanna, and her grandsons, Adam and Jacob. She was served by many excellent, care, health care professionals this week. It reminded me again of Dad's last months, going back and forth between the hospital and the nursing home. One of the good things about having those months with dad, was the time spent with Cheryl and Mom. Even when it looked like Dad was sleeping or resting, he said it gave him comfort to listen to Cheryl and I visiting, and laughing. I thought this of Jerry's last weeks as well. They say a person's hearing is the last sense to go, and I think it is important for them to be surrounded by positive, uplifting talk. Just think how slowly the time passes, when you are bedridden, and can't get up and go anywhere.
It was a privilege to be present with Joanna, Dona, Jacob, and Adam. I certainly wanted to be there for Joanna, knowing it was a difficult, sad day. But I also wanted Dona to know, that Joanna will be surrounded by friends going forward. I think it is common for parents to persevere through difficulty, thinking they need to stay as long as they can for their families. Our mind hangs on, but I think often, our spirit is ready to go.
The Chaplain called a priest for Dona. The older I get, the younger everyone else looks. Father Jeff looks like he is 20! He attended the same school Joey goes to today, and was ordained last June. He was very comforting. I appreciated the way he described the prayers being a vehicle for offering faith and courage for Dona's journey as she let go. I enjoyed the litany of the saints, and I know Dona would have as well...."Mother Mary, pray for her, St. Joseph, pray for her...and all the angels and saints, pray for her." It reminds us that there is a spirit community waiting for us. I think I was about 7 when I realized I feel the Holy Spirit in a way other people do not. To some people prayers are words you say, but to me, it is like syncing up. When Father Jeff was praying with us, I was flooded with Presence. Not emotion, but Presence. There is a difference. I am happy that Dona valued and invited God's presence in her journey.
I will remember Dona's spirit of fun, and how she was young at heart. I will remember that she was not judgemental, but open and accepting of people. I will remember her lovely skin, and how I loved her when she chose to be a red head! I will remember her sense of style, and her spirit of generosity. I will miss her.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
2.18.13 I Love Winter
This week I had the pleasure of working in the northeast corner of the state. As quite often happens, we drove there in inclement weather. It wasn't that the roads were fiercely bad, but the visibility was zero several times. We would just have total white out for about 30 seconds at a time. We were driving north, and for the first two hours the wind was out of the northwest, and then it changed and came from the northeast! We drove slowly, and kept on going, and eventually, we arrived. Often we work in rural places, and have to stay at a motel a distance away, and commute. This trip had a nice commute, about 10 minutes one way. The first morning when we came outside, it was -23 degrees. I love that air, so crisp and cold, where it feels like your lungs are burning when you breathe! (A nurse once told me that it's really important for people to get outside in air like this, because it will kill viruses. Who knows? She said we keep kids cooped up inside in warmth, where bacteria thrives, and if we'd just turn them loose outside a few times a day, their illnesses would diminish. I think she could be right.) There were "sun dogs" as we were leaving the parking lot. It's where the sun is shining behind the clouds, and it looks as though there are two suns, one on each side. We also saw rainbows for two days, just with the snow in the atmosphere, and the sun behind it. Winter can truly be so beautiful.
This tiny town is like so many in the midwest....the railroad was the purpose for the town, and there are churches, an elevator, a brick school building that's over 100 years old, and a wonderful mix of housing styles, several of which were Sears and Roebuck Homes. If you search these on the internet, you will find a lot of information.
This tiny town is like so many in the midwest....the railroad was the purpose for the town, and there are churches, an elevator, a brick school building that's over 100 years old, and a wonderful mix of housing styles, several of which were Sears and Roebuck Homes. If you search these on the internet, you will find a lot of information.
Note how similar this one looks to ours!
Imagine picking your home from a catalog. LOVE this price!
There were cottage styles as well.
Our lunches each day came from "Mikey's Bar and Grill". It made me smile to see they served breakfast as well. There was a daily special, with 2 sides and a dessert, for $8.00. Their food was great! There simply was no other place in a 10 mile radius to order food. I didn't even see a gas station in the town. The phone company, a bank, a chiropractor, a garage/mechanic, and a hair salon were the other businesses on main street. My work has taught me there are great people everywhere. Doesn't really matter where you go in the country.
My work also made me realize this week, that I would miss winter and snow if I didn't have it. I like variety, and clearly, I like extreme weather. It's the one element that has the power to shut the modern world down.
When snow comes at the end of February, or March, or sometimes even April, it doesn't stay long.
Friday, February 15, 2013
2.15.13 Thank goodness for Grandmothers
Last night Dan offered that we should go out for dinner for Valentine's Day. Yes! I can't remember the last time we went out for dinner, just the two of us. Joe didn't want to go. We asked Eleanor if Joe could come next door. He cozied into a chair with a blanket and played minecraft on his kindle.We ended up going to Corona Village, which was crazy busy, but delicious food. Ironically, a family with 3 children under the age of 5 sat at the table next to us. Kids were very good! Also saw friends from our old hockey days, and enjoyed being updated on their kids' lives.
After dinner we drove out to the farm, to deliver a valentine card for all the kids, even Cara and Matthew, with $5 McDonald's gift cards for each. Really enjoyed catching up with Corbin and Caleb, and listening to Indyra read her books. Renia was just getting off work and picking Caleigh up from a birthday party before we left, and Zach had been at parent teacher conferences for Corbin.
After dinner we drove out to the farm, to deliver a valentine card for all the kids, even Cara and Matthew, with $5 McDonald's gift cards for each. Really enjoyed catching up with Corbin and Caleb, and listening to Indyra read her books. Renia was just getting off work and picking Caleigh up from a birthday party before we left, and Zach had been at parent teacher conferences for Corbin.
We are blessed to have these kids in our lives. They make every day better!
Back to the grandmothers.
Thank you to Eleanor for watching Joe so we could enjoy a dinner alone, with adult conversation. I told Dan I think we forgot what a date is!
Thank you to my mom for watching Joey today, and next Monday, when our daycare provider takes days off. They painted, played a bean bag game, shovelled, etc.
We are so blessed to have the support of our mothers.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
2.13.13 Ash Wednesday
Eating grilled cheese for supper. Today is Ash Wednesday. I attended mass this morning with Joe.
Internal reflection is good for all of us. That's what I love most about Lent.
"From dust you came, and to dust you shall return."
People sacrifice different things during the Lenten Season. I heard that one person gave up Facebook for Lent! That wouldn't be much of a sacrifice for me, since I never post and don't go to Facebook often.
The Presentation Sisters sent out a pamphlet that had some excerpts from "The Sacred Art of Fasting", by Father Thomas Ryan. I like many of his ideas.
"Fast from judging others:
- Recall how God looks compassionately on our faults.
- Unhook from conversations in which others are being judged.
Fast from anger, resentment, bitterness:
- Pray for the grace to forgive those who have hurt you.
- Pray for the understanding of resentfulness.
- Ask someone for forgiveness.
Fast from complaining:
- When feeling inclined to complain, stop and look at how you are blessed, and give thanks.
Fast with your eyes:
- Become informed about causes of hunger in the world.
- Reflect more on your life through journaling
Fast with your ears:
- Be attentive to the words of others.
- Listen to and let yourself be challenged by the words expressed in the Scriptures.
Fast with your mouth:
- Appreciate more simple food and drink, like water, and good bread.
- Invite someone to consider a vocation to religious life.
Fast with your hands:
- Make time in your schedule to put your hands together in prayer.
- Share from your own goods with those who have less.
- Extend a gentle touch of encouragement.
Fast with your feet:
- Offer yourself a daily quiet half hour of reading that nourishes your spirit.
- Pray for the desire to walk humbly with your God. "
Monday, February 11, 2013
2.11.13 Cool Boarder!
There was no school today, so Joe missed his leader day at school and will take his birthday treats tomorrow. After supper, Dan let him open this birthday gift....
Here's hoping the coat fits for 2-3 years! The only helmet in Joe's size was read. I think visibility is a good thing! Happy 8th birthday Joe. Thank you to the siblings who called to wish him a happy birthday, and to those that could come to the birthday supper.
Here's hoping the coat fits for 2-3 years! The only helmet in Joe's size was read. I think visibility is a good thing! Happy 8th birthday Joe. Thank you to the siblings who called to wish him a happy birthday, and to those that could come to the birthday supper.
2.10.13 Snow day
We had 9.6 inches of wet, heavy snow today. Dan spent about 6 hours moving snow, and Joe spent at least 3-4 hours playing outside in the snow.
Note the clear driveway and sidewalks!
Hard to identify this boy in the snow fort.
Another fun discovery, is that Kevin LOVES the snow. He was too speedy, and I couldn't get a picture of him. He was bounding around in the snow, happy and purring.
2.10.13 European Safety Standards
Hadn't thought about this before I bought the package of colorful cupcake liners...
Cupcake liners meet "European Safety Standards?
Every day we learn something new!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
2.9.13 Early birthday
The impending freezing rain, blizzard, and wind have changed our weekend plans. Hockey trip cancelled. I was worried that due to weather, it would be hard to get here to celebrate Joe's birthday, so we had a family meal today.
We have sort of an Angry Birds theme going for the birthday. Joe requested a "lego hobbit dwarf" cake, which was beyond my skill level. I even struggled with the Angry Bird Cake!
It tastes better than it looks!
Guests were Katie and Jordan, Zach, Corbin, Caleb, Caleigh, Indyra, and Grandma Eleanor.
Let the Lego Hobbit building begin!
These are better than my phone's camera photos.
Make a wish!
Dad is helping Joe with construction.
Make a wish!
It's good to have people who celebrate with you.
Angry birds puzzle!
Super fun box, to be reused, year after year!
Caleigh and Indyra...
Friday, February 8, 2013
2.8.13 First Time Offender
Update to Kevin being missing in action this week. We figured either he was trapped in a neighbor's garage, or perhaps another family let him into their home, because he is so friendly and affectionate. Today when I came home for lunch, I called the animal shelter, and they said they had one "gray tiger striped male" at the shelter. I told them I'd come over to take a look.
Here he is...prisoner in cell #19. He was very glad to see me. The volunteer said they have loved having Kevin as a visitor, because is so friendly, and a "purring machine!" I had to wait for the animal control officer to arrive for this prisoner release. Because Kevin is a "first time offender", I was able to spring him with proof of rabies and other shots (given same day as his neutering in Dec.) and a check for $24.40. They write out a ticket that looks like a speeding ticket. I had to give my hair and eye color, height, weight, and birthday, along with other pertinent information. I was told Kevin was picked up one block from our home! Kevin will still always want to go outside and hunt. Kevin, you will have to allude the animal control officer going forward. It's good to have him home.
Mug shot on file.
Resting after incarceration.
2.8.13 You never know...
"You never know when you'll get a surprise!"
This week, we did!
Dad's sister, my Aunt Kay, sent us this colorful quilt and pillow.
Here's the pillow. LOVE the troll dolls, with different colored hair!
The troll dolls have pink, green, or blue hair.
What a delightful surprise. We love it!
Thank you Aunt Kay!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
2.7.13 LOST: Handsome gray tabby cat!
Missing in action:
Handsome Male Gray Tabby Cat
Very Affectionate
Purrs loudly.
We let him out as usual, because it was such a nice day. A neighbor was grilling food, and we thought perhaps Kevin got trapped in their garage. He's such a nice cat...maybe another family let him into their home, and now he can't get out. We hope he returns to us. Come back Kevin, come back!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
2.6.13 Jump Rope for Heart
Each year, schools across America participate in "Jump Rope for Heart", sponsored by the American Heart Association. Joe's school has been participating since 1996! I signed up to volunteer. This is my motley crew...
You can see why parent volunteers are needed. Over 100 students signed up.
Here's jumpin' Joe...
A good time was had by all.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
2.5.13 What we're reading now..
We always have several books going at the same time. Louise gave Joe this book as a Christmas gift, and we've been reading a chapter a night since then.This thick book is actually three small "classics" in one. We are very much enjoying the stories. It is also available on kindle.
In addition to a bedtime read aloud for pleasure, Joe often has reading homework. On Monday nights he brings home his reading text.This week, the selection was Storms, by Seymor Simon. He is a fabulous non-fiction science author. I have probably 15 of his books in the storage unit in my teaching crates.
He is also reading this book, which is a compilation of 5 short stories about dogs...You can't go wrong with stories about Barry the St. Bernard, and Balto, which are 2 of the 5 dogs featured.
For my bookclub, I just finished reading a book written in 1971 originally. It is titled The Water is Wide, by Pat Conroy. He is better known for writing The Prince of Tides, which I have never read. The water is wide is a true story about a time, fresh out of college, when he taught in a multiage schoolhouse on an island off the coast of South Carolina. This book had so many discussion points...the culture of the island people, the racial tensions of the 1960's in the south, passion for education, etc. Note the water bird in the cover art, and the Palmetto trees. I want to go to these islands for vacation! I know Emily would love the architecture in Charlston or Savannah, and I would enjoy the beaches, and the marshes.
Finally, I am just starting The Twelve Tribes of Hattie, by Ayana Mathis. It is very critically acclaimed, and I look forward to the read.
In addition to a bedtime read aloud for pleasure, Joe often has reading homework. On Monday nights he brings home his reading text.This week, the selection was Storms, by Seymor Simon. He is a fabulous non-fiction science author. I have probably 15 of his books in the storage unit in my teaching crates.
He is also reading this book, which is a compilation of 5 short stories about dogs...You can't go wrong with stories about Barry the St. Bernard, and Balto, which are 2 of the 5 dogs featured.
For my bookclub, I just finished reading a book written in 1971 originally. It is titled The Water is Wide, by Pat Conroy. He is better known for writing The Prince of Tides, which I have never read. The water is wide is a true story about a time, fresh out of college, when he taught in a multiage schoolhouse on an island off the coast of South Carolina. This book had so many discussion points...the culture of the island people, the racial tensions of the 1960's in the south, passion for education, etc. Note the water bird in the cover art, and the Palmetto trees. I want to go to these islands for vacation! I know Emily would love the architecture in Charlston or Savannah, and I would enjoy the beaches, and the marshes.
2.3.13 Thoughts on worship...
Sunday was "Boy Scout Sunday." The boys receive some kind of a special patch if they wear their uniform to a church service, to school on Monday, and create a poster to hang up at school, about Scouting. We looked in the motel phone book for a Catholic church, and found Holy Name Parish. I recalled that the church in Watertown purchased the windows from the Baptist Church across from Holy Family, and I wanted to see the windows. We finally did find Holy Name, arriving about 4 minutes before the mass started. The priest was good, but there were many things about the church that were foreign to us.
First of all, the brick walls of the sanctuary were curved. There were no square edges, but rather rounded walls, and an uneven sloped ceiling. With all the hard surfaces, the mezzanine floors, the marble altar and chairs, the brick walls, it was a church that felt "cold" both in temperature and atmosphere. Secondly, these two pieces do not belong together. The wooden piece on the back wall was meant to bring warmth, I am sure. But all I could think was "tiki bar". There were hard to understand elements in the carving, like the large flower in the middle.
The painting of Madonna and child was pretty, and interesting up close. The colors were the only warmth in the room, against the brick wall. This painting was on a wall that jutted out into the altar area, and it concealed a space for the linens, vestments, etc.
I do like this sculptural piece of the risen Christ, and Joey's school parish has the same one. I am sure this is a call back to my protestant influences, in which the philosophy is that "Jesus was resurrected, so why are we keeping Him on the crucifix?" He is risen! Allelujah! I don't feel pain/oppression/ at the site of the crucifix, but some people do.
Our experience at Holy Name led us to believe there had to be a more traditional, older church downtown, so we looked for an found Immaculate Conception, which is where we will attend next year when we are there. This was indeed the church that reused the stained glass windows from Mitchell. It is across the street from the catholic school, and cooincidentally, the priest is Fr. Mike Wensing, who was my priest when I converted to Catholicism, and did my first confession. The traditional church was torn down here as well, but it looks as if they tried to incorporate traditional elements in the worship space.
I believe God is present everywhere, but for me, some places have more a worshipful feel than others. I don't want to worship in a theater seat, with a stage for performances in the front, and songs projected onto a screen. It does not call to me. It does to some people. For me, the spirit has nothing to do with denomination, but there are just places where I feel it more strongly than others. I feel the Holy Spirit very strongly at all childrens' masses, no matter where I have attended them. I also feel the Holy Spirit very strongly in all school settings. People think God is not present in public schools! He certainly is there. He is everywhere.
First of all, the brick walls of the sanctuary were curved. There were no square edges, but rather rounded walls, and an uneven sloped ceiling. With all the hard surfaces, the mezzanine floors, the marble altar and chairs, the brick walls, it was a church that felt "cold" both in temperature and atmosphere. Secondly, these two pieces do not belong together. The wooden piece on the back wall was meant to bring warmth, I am sure. But all I could think was "tiki bar". There were hard to understand elements in the carving, like the large flower in the middle.
The painting of Madonna and child was pretty, and interesting up close. The colors were the only warmth in the room, against the brick wall. This painting was on a wall that jutted out into the altar area, and it concealed a space for the linens, vestments, etc.
I do like this sculptural piece of the risen Christ, and Joey's school parish has the same one. I am sure this is a call back to my protestant influences, in which the philosophy is that "Jesus was resurrected, so why are we keeping Him on the crucifix?" He is risen! Allelujah! I don't feel pain/oppression/ at the site of the crucifix, but some people do.
Our experience at Holy Name led us to believe there had to be a more traditional, older church downtown, so we looked for an found Immaculate Conception, which is where we will attend next year when we are there. This was indeed the church that reused the stained glass windows from Mitchell. It is across the street from the catholic school, and cooincidentally, the priest is Fr. Mike Wensing, who was my priest when I converted to Catholicism, and did my first confession. The traditional church was torn down here as well, but it looks as if they tried to incorporate traditional elements in the worship space.
I believe God is present everywhere, but for me, some places have more a worshipful feel than others. I don't want to worship in a theater seat, with a stage for performances in the front, and songs projected onto a screen. It does not call to me. It does to some people. For me, the spirit has nothing to do with denomination, but there are just places where I feel it more strongly than others. I feel the Holy Spirit very strongly at all childrens' masses, no matter where I have attended them. I also feel the Holy Spirit very strongly in all school settings. People think God is not present in public schools! He certainly is there. He is everywhere.
2.3.13 Emily joins us
We encouraged Emma to meet us at the motel. It's only about a 90 minute drive for her. She was worried about the weather, but I said, "You'll be fine." The weather proved me wrong, and she did indeed have poor visibility the last 25 miles. We were glad she arrived safely. Emily took Joe swimming at the motel pool Here are highlights...
A two story waterslide.
A kiddie pool.
Mainly the highlight was seeing Emily. Thank you for taking time to come and see us! Glad you are safely home, guided by GPS back to location of "dorm."
2.3.13 Terry Redlin Art Center
Because Joe played hockey in Watertown last weekend, we decided to drive up early on Saturday, and visit the Terry Redlin Art Center. A bonus...admission was free that day!
Joey was impressed by the large chandelier. They had a great children's activity page, with BINGO, a crossword puzzle, and a word search. The BINGO game made the paintings like a "where's waldo" or "I spy" book, in which the child has to look for things in the paintings, such as a gas pump, a kite, a canoe, etc. There's artwork on three floors! The bingo and crossword activities really help hold a child's attention. We spent a good 2 hours there. We started in the lower level, in which there is theater seating, and you watch a short (maybe 15 minute) interview in which Terry Redlin tells about his life and his painting. One fascinating fact...he did many pencil sketches, which are beautiful on their own, but he started with three colors for every painting, and mixed all his own colors. I could have spend more time in this part of the museum, as they had so many items displayed from his wife's family..the Langenfield Dairy. There were soda fountain items, and so many things of that era on, programs, toys, etc.
Dan pointed out to me that photography was not allowed, however, the resolution on my cell phone camera isn't good enough to capture the image accurately. Here's Joe, searching for items!
Joey was proud to point out the Redlin print over the fireplace at the motel. Art appreciation. Take advantage of every opportunity!
2.1.13 Special February Days
2.2.13 Groundhog day. Emily calls Joe to tell him that the groundhog did not see his shadow, so spring will come early! This is rare. Puxatawny Phil nearly always is frightened and runs back into his burrow!
2.3.13 The Feast day of St. Blaise. We were at church in Watertown last weekend, and they were giving the blessing of St. Blaise. You kids would remember this, as Father Ed was big on offering the blessing of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, who is the patron saint of illnesses/injuries of the throat. The Eucharistic ministers and priests cross two candles across your throat, and give you the blessing...this from wikipedia...
2.3.13 The Feast day of St. Blaise. We were at church in Watertown last weekend, and they were giving the blessing of St. Blaise. You kids would remember this, as Father Ed was big on offering the blessing of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, who is the patron saint of illnesses/injuries of the throat. The Eucharistic ministers and priests cross two candles across your throat, and give you the blessing...this from wikipedia...
According to the Acts, while Blaise was being taken into custody, a distraught mother, whose only child was choking on a fishbone, threw herself at his feet and implored his intercession. Touched at her grief, he offered up his prayers, and the child was cured. Consequently, Saint Blaise is invoked for protection against injuries and illnesses of the throat.
In many places on the day of his feast the blessing of St. Blasius is given: two candles are consecrated, generally by a prayer, these are then held in a crossed position by a priest over the heads of the faithful or the people are touched on the throat with them. At the same time the following blessing is given: "May God at the intercession of St. Blaise preserve you from throat troubles and every other evil". Then the priest makes the sign of the cross over the faithful.
This blessing is important to me, as in the past, I've had afflictions of the throat, such as sore throat, or losing my voice and not being able to speak.
2.6.13 Birthdays for Aunt Cheryl, and Grandma Eleanor
2.14.13 Valentine's Day. Live a little. Buy someone a card! Admit it....we all like conversation hearts!
2.22.13 Katie's golden birthday! Also the birthday of great grandpa George. Entirely possible if Katie had been a boy, that George may have been a middle name. Also, Great Grandma Helen's mother, Great Great Grandma Rebecca's birthday.
That's all for now. As usually happens, after I publish, I become aware of someone I've forgotten!
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