Sunday, May 5, 2013

5.5.13 Highly experimental

What a good Sunday this has been...a day of rest.  I started laundry this morning at 10, and am down to the last 2 loads of bedding.  Joey and I didn't go anywhere today.  Just rested! I helped him build a Lego Hero factory character.  I baked 2 pans of peanut butter cookie bars with chocolate chips, and watched 3 episodes of Curb Appeal on HGTV! Joey spent over 45 minutes in the bathtub.  Just playing!  He and I are just sitting in the living room now.  He's playing Minecraft and I'm going to read.  For supper, I wanted to use up some things I had in the fridge.  The pork chops were tough when I made them, so I wanted to tenderize them, and thought i'd made chili, using pork instead of ground beef.  Here's my highly experimental recipe:
Highly Experimental Pork Stew
2 cans of diced tomatoes
1 can of chicken broth
Diced leftover pork, 3 cups
1 can of coke
8 carrots, peeled and sliced
1/2 packet of beef stew seasoning

That's it!  It simmered on the stove for 3 hours.  The tomatoes and the coke did tenderize the pork, and it was delicious.  I served it with sour dough toast that was good for sopping up broth.  

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