Saturday, May 25, 2013

5.19.13 Happy Birthday Zach and Dan!

Zach's birthday is May 19th, and Dan's the 21st.  Last year, Zach was in the "stans" for his birthday, and we had no contact with him.  So glad to be able to celebrate this year.  By a miracle, he had his birthday off from work and it fell on a Sunday.  Renia was scheduled, but able to trade it off.  Another act of God!  We celebrated with grilled burgers and hot dogs, tables in the driveway.  Also wonderful, both our mothers could join us, and our dear friend, Joanna.
Caleb, left, Corbin, right.
Dan, Zach, Indyra.  Laughing at Emily's wrapping....duct tape around a Special K protein drink box! 
As Tim Gunn would say, "That's a lot of look."  Joe had assembled a collection of items, such as some spare change, and a coon skin cap for Dan's gift. Zach's apron was centered around his "grill theme. "
Renia had surprised Zach with a grill as a gift.  
Matthew Thomas, Dan, Zach, Joe, Caleb, Caleigh.
Here's some debris from the birthday poppers Dan supplied.
Katie and Jordan's combo birthday/father's day gift for Dan, enjoyed by Joe....a reclining lounge chair!
I have not uploaded camera photos yet, so will add more photos later this weekend to update.