Saturday, May 25, 2013

5.18.13 First visit to the lake!

Saturday Renia and Zach both worked.  We invited "whoever wanted to come" in from the farm, but we had to be at mass, which was being said for Jerry. Matthew Thomas, Indrya, and Caleigh joined us, and the older brothers enjoyed some rare, quiet time at home.
First, the kids played.  Then, we went to mass.  Matthew has matured a lot, and was so good in church.  Last year at this time, he would talk out loud, and now, he whispers.  He was tired, hadn't napped.  His thumb went into his mouth, and he looked all around, commenting on the stained glass windows, the candles, Fr. Larry, and people.  Matthew loves music, and he now looks up to the balcony to see who is playing or singing.  He fell asleep during the homily, which made me smile.  Joe used to do this too.  I just enjoyed this rare time with him, sitting there listening to the mass, and enjoying holding him, and seeing him close up.  Soon he will grow out of this and be too busy! Indyra was more restless.  The children's offering was helpful to her.  It gave her a chance to get up and move, and then she could draw on the children's bulletin.  Caleigh was good as gold, just as usual!
We decided to go out for supper, not to reward the kids, but just because it was easier, and we wouldn't have to cook.  The kids wanted to go to Dairy Queen.  Following that, Dan suggested a drive around the lake.  Caleigh and Indyra had not seen the lake before. For Matthew, I don't think we had ever gotten out of the car and walked down to the beach with him.  The city has done a lot of work, and the public beach looks really nice.  There is now a picnic shelter, terraced walls, and fresh sand.  We could not resist walking down.  Joe, Caleigh, and Indyra were wearing flip flops, so off those came and into the water they waded.  We had to laugh at matthew, because he wanted the same thing, and went right in, shoes and socks on! It's a good thing Grandma Stacie had the foresight to buy cheap Kmart shoes with velcro, for adventures such as these.  Boys need to live!
The kids loved the sand and water, and I'm sure the water is pretty cold yet! We were there for a good 40 minutes, and none of them wanted to leave.  You can be we'll be going back when the weather is nicer.
Stick below is marking dead fish, which the kids covered in sand! 
Sand artists Joe and Matthew.
I got a few pretty pictures of the sun on the water.
Sand artist Caleigh!
Sand artist Indyra! Hearts a big theme.
We'll go back another day. 

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