Saturday, May 4, 2013

5.3.13 It's Your Birthday!

Feliz cupleanos Caleigh!  You're 11 today!
Birthdays are sacred days to me...the celebration of the miracle of each human being, coming to planet earth. 
Everyone deserves to be recognized and celebrated.  
I met Caleigh at school for lunch, and enjoyed getting to know her friends.  
We enjoyed dinner out at Culver's, because it's Zach's guard weekend, and Renia was working.  Postponing the birthday dinner until next Friday.  How can we stand the wait? 
The beautiful sisters at Culvers....
 The goofy brothers, and Joe, at Culvers...


  1. Matt and I are glad you had to postpone the birthday we can join! :)

  2. Good, I'll be home and all Botox'd by next Friday!
