Saturday, December 14, 2013

11.30.13 Miles' Baptism

For a rare occasion, Thanksgiving 2013 our entire family was home!  I asked Joanna to take a family photo from the church balcony, and although i haven't seen the photos yet, I hope we get a good one for a photo card.  Miles and another little boy were baptised that day.  No matter what your culture or religion, "welcoming" ceremonies are really important.  It is a statement that you welcome this child into your family, your faith community, and you invite God to be part of his/her life.
Father Larry, Matt, Mauri, Miles Jamison

Godparents, Aunt Katie and Uncle PJ
Photo bombing by cousin Matthew Thomas! 
Grandpa Dan, Grandma Stacie, and to the right, Grandma Sherri and Grandpa Phil.
Great Grandmothers, Eleanor, left, and Estell on the right.

Miles was a very good baby during the baptism.  He didn't cry at all, and neither did the other baby.  Father Larry said the secret is putting in really hot water before the mass begins, so after mass, the water is still warm, not icy cold. Father Larry poured entire pitchers of the baptismal water over their heads, 
"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." 
Also, he slathered chrism oil all over their little heads.  7 days and several baths later, you could still smell the spicy chrism oil on Miles. 
Welcome Miles, welcome!

12.14.13 Elf on the Shelf

Last year, several of Joe's classmates' families were enjoying the "Elf on the Shelf" holiday tradition, which is fairly new.  Little did I realize that elves come in a variety of ethnic styles, and are very hard to get.  So, Joe got his Christmas day, too late for the elf activity for last year.  This year, when we got out the Christmas decorations, we got out the elf.  Joe was dismayed that I touched him.  If children touch the elf, they "remove his magic".  I said that I had to untie the twisties to get him out of the box.  Each family names their elf, and last year, Joe named his "Funny."  The day the elf went on the mantle, I left for Omaha to help care for Miles.  As I spoke to Joe during the week, he was dismayed that Funny was not moving day to day. Dan was not in the know about the elf magic.  When I returned, I showed Dan the pinterest board on Elf on the Shelf.  Since then, Funny has been moving regularly.  I haven't noted all of his locations, but here are some:
Emily's stocking...
The Lego lizard Aunt Cheryl passed on to Joe...
The woodwork...
and this morning, the ceiling fan.  
Funny probably has more to report about Stacie and Dan's holiday shortcomings than Joe's!
Last Sunday's Argus Leader had a great couple of pages on the Elf in the Shelf tradition.  Included were diametrically opposed parent views.  One father said their family enjoys the fun, and a mother had the viewpoint of "the overachieving parents whose entire focus is elf activites" and that her family "just doesn't have time for the elf."  Both are o.k.  Funny has not been up to any extreme antics here.  We are enjoying his moves and Joe is looking for him each morning.  

Friday, November 22, 2013

11.22.2013 Metals and Paint

3 years ago when I was in Savannah, I bought a ball and chain necklace with a Venetian glass bead.  It was black and copper looking, swirled glass.  I wear the necklace often.  The cool thing about this necklace, is that the part with the pendant unhooks, and you can swap out pendants!  When I learned I was going back to Georgia for work, I told my coworker I have one request...a quick stop at Metals and Paint, because I want to buy a pearl pendant.

Metals and Paint is run by a husband and wife team, and they have hired one other employee now.  They make all their jewelry and sell paintings from one artist. I wondered if they would still be open, and in the same location, after all this time.  And they are!  They do not have a website, because they would not be able to keep up with internet orders.  You can however, go to their facebook page, look at photos, and call them to order. They do amazing work.

Metals and Paint

Saturday, November 16, 2013

10.2013 TED talks

Some people made fun of me because of my love of the Blackberry.  It was a sturdy phone, with a full keyboard, and I love that Blackberry compresses their data, so I didn't have to pay much for having a "smart" phone.
This screen shot of a blackberry curve is as close as I can get.  How i miss the freckle button, and the user friendly, ease of function! When Katie and I went to upgrade, I told the sales person that I text, and I take photos, so the Samsung Galaxy S4 had a 14 pixel camera....
There are things I do like about the Galaxy.  It functions more like a tablet, with a full viewing screen, so it's much easier for me to see than the small blackberry screen, and I use the phone in different ways.  I love the Google App Store!  Easy to add apps and shortcut buttons, for pinterest, twitter, etc. However, my favorite and most used app, by far, is the short cut to TED talks.
The link will take you here, to a plethora of topic choices in every range imaginable! They truly are "riveting talks by remarkable people"!  I love the 15 minute inspirational talks.  As I wait for a dental appointment, I can listen to a TED talk! As I wait in the airport...TED talk.  Can't sleep at night?  TED Talk! I encourage you to save the link as a favorite on your desktop, or your mobile device or tablet, so you to can be entertained, informed, or inspired.  Best.Site.Ever!
So basically, the Samsung Galaxy 4 has changed my life.  However...I am tempted by the 41 pixel camera of Zach and Em's Windows phones!

9.2013 Bear Scouts

Another year of scouting activities has begun.  This is a photo of Joe and another scout selling Boy Scout Popcorn.

In addition to going door to door to our neighbors, Joe sold at the indoor farmer's market in the mall, pictured here, and outdoors at Walmart on opening day of hunting season.  People were very generous and happy to support the scouts. Many hunters told us they were former scouts, or their sons were.  Thank goodness this is the sole fundraiser!
We have already been taking field Miedema Sanitation, to the public Landfill, and to the Daily Republic. One of our scout's grandfather made the pieces for the boys to construct bird houses for one of our winter building activities! Scouting has so many beneficial activities.  Cole, Kobi, Conner, and Joe are nice young men to work with.

11.16.2013 Joe's first crossword

This morning I asked Joe if he wanted to do the crossword puzzle on the Kids' Page.  He loved it!  Grandpa Bill is surely smiling down on Joe today!  Joe and I did all the activities in the Saturday paper.  Joey liked it so much that he went to the recycling bag and started digging for last Saturday's Kids' Page as well. A new discovery!  We have always been "newspaper" readers.  I am pleased to see Joey heading down that path as well.

10.2013 Welcome Miles!

We waited throughout the day for news, knowing that Matt and Mauri were at the hospital.  Matt called to say, "He's here!" and we could hear the emotion in his voice. The miracle of Miles Jameson had arrived, and we could hear him crying in the background.  We went to meet him for the first time when he was 6 days old.
Here is snoozing Miles, all swaddled up, with his happy parents, Matt and Mauri.  Look at his pretty hair!
Miles with Aunt Katie! It was Katie's first visit to Matt and Mauri's home, as well.  She could never take time off when she was going to school. 
Miles with "extreme baby hog" Uncle Joe!
See what I mean?  Baby hog!
Still hogging...
Seriously Joe...let the rest of us have a chance!
Finally, Grandpa Dan and Grandma Stacie get a turn.
One of my favorite things about Miles, was the way he would look for Mom and Dad when he heard their voices.  He also would still when I sang to him, as though thinking, "Who are you?"  
Here's an "eyes open" picture. I see some of Matt, but truly, I think Miles resembles his Grandpa Phil a lot. 
I love his "Sweet Pea" first Halloween costume, with his little newborn face. 
Many more precious photos to come, I am certain. 
We love him already.  Thank you Matt and Mauri, for all you have done to get him here safely.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

7.14.13 Minions

Joe and I went to the movie "Dispicable Me 2" this afternoon.  We enjoyed large popcorn and root beer, both of which we refilled for "free" before leaving the theater.  There was nowhere to park, and the line was out the door.  I dropped Joe off to grab our spot in line and parked around the corner.  Evidentally on a rainy summer day, a movie seemed like a great idea to many people.  Plus, you get the matinee prices.  Anyway, Joe says he wants to dress as a minion for Halloween. We need overalls! If you search on the internet, there are all kinds of crafts and foods with minion  theme!  Making these for Halloween....too funny.

7.14.13 Cleaning, Sorting, Throwing, Donating, Part 2

This morning's task, clean out the antique ice box in the room off the kitchen.  I threw out 2 kitchen garbage bags of debris.  All PTA, Longfellow yearbook work, and hockey association committee notes, etc.  Also threw out a lot of newspaper clippings.  There was a point when I was at home full time when I started writing essays/columns, thinking I would like to publish.  So I had folders of favorite columnists saved, plus files on different topics, such as parenting, education, etc.  Threw it all out and feel happy about it. I also threw out summer time and preschool speech therapy folders from Zach and Katie, with speech excercises.
I threw out more video tapes.  It makes me appreciate DVR today, which takes up no external space today!  For donation, about 10 paperbacks that Eleanor gave me when they moved here that I had not read. Also found dish towels I bought at Ben Franklin crafts when they were going out of business.  I thought mom would enjoy them.  She declinedd! The days of the week "cow' design is one of my favorites!  I may stamp and embroider them, so I have a fresh set. There is also a tea service stamp design.
More thrown items:

  • Guides for Windows 98
  • Ink cartridges for printer we know longer have
  • Poster hangers...the dreadful old ones that you cannot remove from your walls!
  • All kinds of old travel pamphlets from our trips.  Clearly we were afraid to throw anything away.
  • Old insurance and health plan information. 
  • Reused...notebook paper and stationary

There were some found treasures though.  I have a folder for Matt, Zach, Katie, and Emily with newspaper clippings of them, early artwork, etc.  I showed Emily her portrait of our tall house!  As well as her early attempts at writing capital letter E for her name.  They had so many horizontal lines they looked "centipede style" font!

My plan is to store some dishes in the ice box, so I can move "everyday use" dishes and glassware into the buffett.

Next task may be the filing cabinet.  I already texted Katie to find out if we can get rid of all her student loan paperwork.  She said yes!  Matt and Zach?  We could make use of Zach's burn barrel.  I feel very proactive, doing this on a Sunday.  2 bags of clutter gone, and it's early in the week!  Last Thursday night I put 2 garbage bags in from the big decluttter movement, so they went out in Friday's garbage.  I used to have this on my monitor at work..."Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you CAN do!"  I am trying not to be overwhelmed that our basement, attic, and storage unit look like an episode of hoarders, and doing what I can do.  All that remains on the main floor, are 10 drawers....6 in the buffet, 2 filing cabinet, and 4 drawers in the living room.

This is the perfect accomplishment  for a rainy day.  It's been raining softly since 5:30 a.m. Wonderful, as it saves me watering the lawn, flowerbeds, and garden.  A gift from God.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

7.10.13 Cleaning, Sorting, Throwing, Donating

No photos today.  I have been cleaning, sorting, throwing, and donating.  I have cleaned out the little white antique kitchen cabinet in the dining room, and went through both bookcases in the living room.  Found some funny things...

  • Bills from Katie and Jordan's wedding.   (Not totally ridiculous...less than a year ago and I wanted to keep track of expenses.
  • a 2002 activity agenda from a boy scout camp Zach attended.
  • a polaroid photo of Zach, maybe age 9 or 10?  Not related to Boy Scout Camp.
  • Emily's homemade book (paper and everything) about her rat, Snowball
  • Art work from Katie and Zach, middle school on
  • a certificate that Matt completed percussion camp at "Bands of America"
I threw out an entire kitchen garbage bag of video tapes. if you have a VCR (we no longer do!) you could have viewed the 1996 or 2002 Olympics.  I also obviously love Ken Burns' work, as I had taped all of the Civil War and Baseball documentaries.  There was an abundance of Disney...."Dogs", "Squirrels", "Seals"  all these old Disney movies.  There were tapes containing 12 episodes of Davy Crocket, or Lassie! 
I donated about 40 of my books to Goodwill, along with a set of encyclapedias from 1976.  We bought them for $50 at a rummage sale in the mid 80's before we even had children!  Dan and Joe expressed GREAT hesitation over my donating these.  

The best find was a handwritten note from my dad in 2006.  He wrote his letter a in typewriter style!  

I will continue on my quest of cleaning, sorting, throwing, and donating.  There's a house full.  Just a cupboard or a drawer can take hours.  In the words of my aquaintance Melinda...."I am seven people.  Nothing is easy for me!"  I know exactly what she means.  I suspect many of the things saved over the years will be easily thrown at this point.  

More updates later. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

7.9.13 Grandma's Garden

This is a hectic week for both Dan and I at work, so we're trying to fit in some easy suppers....leftovers Monday night, Tuesday night, Culvers! After Culvers, where Stacie and Dan enjoyed delicious butter burgers, and Joe sampled the Sour Dough Grilled burger and shared onion rings with mom and dad,(Growing out of kids' meals!) we stopped over to visit Grandma and see her garden.  To put things in perspective, we planted our tomatoes and peppers the LATEST we have ever planted, the  last Saturday of June.  Look at Grandma's tomatoes...
They are five feet tall, and loaded with fruit!
Here is one of her zuchini plants! 
Mom's yard is so peaceful and, quiet, with the wooden wind chimes making beautiful noise.
Mom had read in the paper that the salvation army was taking donations of fresh produce.  She was the first person to bring in garden fare!  They were pleased that someone had read the article and responded.  Mom spends about 2 hours a day outside caring for her yard, watering, mowing, etc. 
 Great exercise and so beautiful. We enjoyed the visit!

Monday, July 1, 2013

7.1.13 July Special Days

Here are the special days for July....
Matt and Mauri's anniversary, July 2nd.
Independence Day...Freedom isn't free!  July 4th.
July 5th and 6th, Dan and Joe tent camp at the lake for scouts!
Grandpa Bill and Grandma Estell's anniversary, July 11th.
Uncle Rob's birthday...July 24th.
Thank you to Dan, for knowing how much I love flying the flag.  This is our second American Flag in 28 years.

7.1.13 July is Here!

Dan and i have been working in the yard over the weekend.  We planted 4 tomatoes, 4 green pepper and one jalapeno plant.  We have never planted anything so late in a growing season.

Here is my favorite new addition to the back yard.  I love goats, and if I had the room, I'd have a real one!  Dan bought this one for our yard.  It reminds me of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, because it is positioned near the fort and the bridge.  I'm going to have to think of a name for it.
Dan bought this bird bath 7 years ago at the end of the season at Menards. It's been in the basement in a box.  He bought a round paving stone, and dug that into the ground for the base. Dad placed this where the old tree stump used to be, surrounded by the wooden shutters, when Dad built that as a pen for Emily 's turtles.  As you can see, we need some wood chips around this to beautify!
This Clematis vine is blooming.  It will bloom through frost if I remember to water it.  I planted it along the fence line, and there are some tree seedlings growing up from Judy's side. When I water my flower, I end up watering those trees!
I can't recall who, but a friend gave me this paving stone when Dad passed away.  Dan put it in the flower bed, with some fresh wood chips.
Joanna surprised me one day by bringing me the gift of this handing basket. Truly, I don't know the names of the three types of flowers, but all are surprisingly hearty in hot sun and wind.  The large pink blossoms are striking, but I love the little yellow blossoms as well.  They close at night, and open around 10 a.m.
Another deck favorite addition, the cooler Zach and Renia gave me for mother's day.  So colorful and cheerful.

Finally, Dan hung Joe's bird feeder from the deck.  It was a challenge to find a spot where the cats won't attack! This is Joe's attempt at the fleur des lis design. He painted his pack number on the other side of the roof.
Happy Summer everyone!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

6.8.13 Scout Day Camp

I'm really pushing it, trying to get the entire month of June updated.  But I'm on a roll, so I'll keep going.  The theme this year was "Under the Sea." The weather was not the best.  It rained throughout the day.
This is the bbgun range.
Archery range...God bless this man.  I don't know his name, but he has done the BB gun and archery stations every year. 

With the rain, we had to come inside for some alternate activities.  They put out these little ocean figurines and seashells, would have the boys look, then close their eyes.  The leader would remove something from the table, and the scouts would have to guess what was missing. 
Joe, left side.
Below, kind of blurry, but leather craft work. 

6.8.13 Matthew's first attempts

In the basement, we have the 16 inch bike with training wheels that we gave Zach for his 4th birthday.  Zach, Katie, Emily, and Joe all learned to ride on this bike. We thought we should bring it up and see if Matthew could get started with riding.  He had a hard time with  peddling.  We will keep trying!

Here's a smile!
Thank you Grandpa Dan, for putting on the training wheels. 
We so love Matthew Thomas.  We enjoy spending time with him, and are always sad to see him go again!

6.7.13 Gender reveal party!

June 7th was our anniversary.  What better way to celebrate than by having all our family together.  We were all at the Beckers, even Eleanor and Estell.  We brought food for potluck, and the kids enjoyed the pool.  The Beckers are wonderful hosts!  Mauri and Sherri had made buttons, and we wore our predictions with "It's a girl" and "It's a boy" pins.  I admit, I guessed wrong.  The balloons below show our response to the news that it is a boy.!  Matt and Mauri share their happy news, that Baby Heesch is a boy!
Laura Osterloo took wonderful photos that night.  I took these from Mauri's facebook page.I love Laura's work, and it's nice to have these pictures as Matt and Mauri start their family. 
Copngratulations Matt and Mauri!  
Baby Heesch, we all came together to welcome you! You are greatly loved and awaited. 
Aunt Katie and Uncle Jordan.
Zach and Renia...
Zach and Indyra...
Pool fun...Air Joe, Matthew Thomas, Corbin...

Sea Monster...

Father and son smore activity.
Thank you to Katie for sending more.  
Dad to be...
Caleigh and MT...
Matt, Emily, Dan.
Katie, I accidentally deleted the ones of the great grandmas from my phone.  Will need you to send again.  Sorry!