Friday, November 22, 2013

11.22.2013 Metals and Paint

3 years ago when I was in Savannah, I bought a ball and chain necklace with a Venetian glass bead.  It was black and copper looking, swirled glass.  I wear the necklace often.  The cool thing about this necklace, is that the part with the pendant unhooks, and you can swap out pendants!  When I learned I was going back to Georgia for work, I told my coworker I have one request...a quick stop at Metals and Paint, because I want to buy a pearl pendant.

Metals and Paint is run by a husband and wife team, and they have hired one other employee now.  They make all their jewelry and sell paintings from one artist. I wondered if they would still be open, and in the same location, after all this time.  And they are!  They do not have a website, because they would not be able to keep up with internet orders.  You can however, go to their facebook page, look at photos, and call them to order. They do amazing work.

Metals and Paint

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