Saturday, November 16, 2013

10.2013 Welcome Miles!

We waited throughout the day for news, knowing that Matt and Mauri were at the hospital.  Matt called to say, "He's here!" and we could hear the emotion in his voice. The miracle of Miles Jameson had arrived, and we could hear him crying in the background.  We went to meet him for the first time when he was 6 days old.
Here is snoozing Miles, all swaddled up, with his happy parents, Matt and Mauri.  Look at his pretty hair!
Miles with Aunt Katie! It was Katie's first visit to Matt and Mauri's home, as well.  She could never take time off when she was going to school. 
Miles with "extreme baby hog" Uncle Joe!
See what I mean?  Baby hog!
Still hogging...
Seriously Joe...let the rest of us have a chance!
Finally, Grandpa Dan and Grandma Stacie get a turn.
One of my favorite things about Miles, was the way he would look for Mom and Dad when he heard their voices.  He also would still when I sang to him, as though thinking, "Who are you?"  
Here's an "eyes open" picture. I see some of Matt, but truly, I think Miles resembles his Grandpa Phil a lot. 
I love his "Sweet Pea" first Halloween costume, with his little newborn face. 
Many more precious photos to come, I am certain. 
We love him already.  Thank you Matt and Mauri, for all you have done to get him here safely.

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