Saturday, July 13, 2013

7.10.13 Cleaning, Sorting, Throwing, Donating

No photos today.  I have been cleaning, sorting, throwing, and donating.  I have cleaned out the little white antique kitchen cabinet in the dining room, and went through both bookcases in the living room.  Found some funny things...

  • Bills from Katie and Jordan's wedding.   (Not totally ridiculous...less than a year ago and I wanted to keep track of expenses.
  • a 2002 activity agenda from a boy scout camp Zach attended.
  • a polaroid photo of Zach, maybe age 9 or 10?  Not related to Boy Scout Camp.
  • Emily's homemade book (paper and everything) about her rat, Snowball
  • Art work from Katie and Zach, middle school on
  • a certificate that Matt completed percussion camp at "Bands of America"
I threw out an entire kitchen garbage bag of video tapes. if you have a VCR (we no longer do!) you could have viewed the 1996 or 2002 Olympics.  I also obviously love Ken Burns' work, as I had taped all of the Civil War and Baseball documentaries.  There was an abundance of Disney...."Dogs", "Squirrels", "Seals"  all these old Disney movies.  There were tapes containing 12 episodes of Davy Crocket, or Lassie! 
I donated about 40 of my books to Goodwill, along with a set of encyclapedias from 1976.  We bought them for $50 at a rummage sale in the mid 80's before we even had children!  Dan and Joe expressed GREAT hesitation over my donating these.  

The best find was a handwritten note from my dad in 2006.  He wrote his letter a in typewriter style!  

I will continue on my quest of cleaning, sorting, throwing, and donating.  There's a house full.  Just a cupboard or a drawer can take hours.  In the words of my aquaintance Melinda...."I am seven people.  Nothing is easy for me!"  I know exactly what she means.  I suspect many of the things saved over the years will be easily thrown at this point.  

More updates later. 

1 comment:

  1. We do still have a VCR player but did the same with things that I had taped (I too had Lassie and The PBS Civil War as well as WW II. I figured I can watch them on line now!-if I have time, lol). I have very few samples of Dad's writing but I can see it in my mind : )
