Saturday, December 14, 2013

11.30.13 Miles' Baptism

For a rare occasion, Thanksgiving 2013 our entire family was home!  I asked Joanna to take a family photo from the church balcony, and although i haven't seen the photos yet, I hope we get a good one for a photo card.  Miles and another little boy were baptised that day.  No matter what your culture or religion, "welcoming" ceremonies are really important.  It is a statement that you welcome this child into your family, your faith community, and you invite God to be part of his/her life.
Father Larry, Matt, Mauri, Miles Jamison

Godparents, Aunt Katie and Uncle PJ
Photo bombing by cousin Matthew Thomas! 
Grandpa Dan, Grandma Stacie, and to the right, Grandma Sherri and Grandpa Phil.
Great Grandmothers, Eleanor, left, and Estell on the right.

Miles was a very good baby during the baptism.  He didn't cry at all, and neither did the other baby.  Father Larry said the secret is putting in really hot water before the mass begins, so after mass, the water is still warm, not icy cold. Father Larry poured entire pitchers of the baptismal water over their heads, 
"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." 
Also, he slathered chrism oil all over their little heads.  7 days and several baths later, you could still smell the spicy chrism oil on Miles. 
Welcome Miles, welcome!

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