Thursday, October 4, 2012

10.4.12 Seasonal Reflection

Hello everyone.  I've been away, and thus, not blogging.  Also having some hardware issues!  Need a new machine.  I promise I will catch up this weekend, when I have time to post in detail about Zach's homecoming, our time with family and friends, etc.
In the meantime, there is a delightful devotional site that gives you a 5 minute lift.  It really speaks to me, and I think the format works well for many people.  I have this one saved to my favorites, to check in often.

I leave you with this reflection...
I love the psalms.  I recall reading all of Psalms and proverbs the year Matt and Zach were learning to ride bikes.  they were riding corner to corner on the sidewalk, and I had to be present in the front yard!

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