This afternoon, I looked in Joey's back and there was a handout for a fundraiser/PE activity his school is doing. Have you ever heard of Speed Stacks? Well, here is some information. The videos are fun...
Ordering a set for Joey today! We are ordering through the school group, so we get 10% off!
I haven't watched much tv in recent weeks. I had 5 episodes of "The Pioneer Woman" dvr recorded. I watched a couple of episodes, and Joey and I were inspired. So we made 2 boxes of brownie mix! One for the school Halloween dance, one for our family. On the them of "use what we have", Joey is wearing a knight costume that we bought at Lego Land in Mall of America 4 years ago!
On the order of prize winning, it's not, but again, we will participate. We tried to get him to wear a hockey referee shirt with black sweatpants, and even Emily's old Mustard Halloween costume from when Emily and Angela were ketchup and mustard for halloween. Joe said, "I don't want anyone to squeeze me." So, the knight costume it is. In 20 minutes we are off with our brownies!
PS....later in the evening, Father Larry came to the halloween dance dressed as a referee. I guess he would already have the black pants! Father Mike dressed as a scarecrow.