Sunday, June 30, 2013

6.2.13 Last day of vacation, and heading home.

Grandpa Bill always loved steam engines, and trains.  This is a fascination shared by Matthew Thomas!  Grandpa always made sure our kids got to ride the 1880 train.  We decided that one way ride would be best for Matthew, as it is over an hour ride one way.  I rode on the train with Joe and Matthe, and Dan drove along the road, taking photos when the train crossed, and meeting us in Keystone.
Here comes the engine!
There is the water tower for the steam engine to fill up.
They have made some nice improvements, such as this covered, shaded area for people to stand in line to board the train. It was hard for Matthew to stand in line! 

Matthew, showing a little apprehension!

Pretty train cars! Mr. Conductor.
Leaving the station.

We had fun looking for Grandpa Dan at the crossings!  
First siting!
 Up the steep hill...I think I can, I think I can.
So pretty.
We packed a lot into having Matthew for one day of the trip.
We stopped at a McDonalds. (Yes, again. We know how to feed hungry boys on the road.)
Before we hit the interstate, both boys were asleep. Vacation success!  Note the back seat of the van. 

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