Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6.12.13 Caleb and special June days

Happy 14th birthday Caleb! My cake attempt was a football field.  There were some "icing mishaps", but it was my normal frosting recipe, which always tastes good.  Thanks to Corbin for sending me the pic.  We so enjoy Caleb.  He is very upbeat in attitude, and loves to be active.  We hope he gets to use the football cleats in August.  It will be fun to see him learn, grow, and as our card said, "find your own direction."

I am so far behind in blogging...about three weeks.  That's what being out of town will do to a person.
Here are the special June days that I can think of at the moment:

June 5th, Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Michele.
June 6th, Grandpa Bill's birthday
June 7th, Stacie and Dan's anniversary
June 7th, Matt and Mauri's gender reveal party, which will be it's own entry later
June 10th, Caleb's birthday
June 16th, Father's Day
June 28th, Happy Birthday Mauri

I may be missing a few....still catching up at home.

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