Saturday, January 12, 2013

1.12.13 Rearranging Joe's room

Joe's first hockey games were cancelled today.  He was so disappointed.  However, we jumpstarted the day by rearranging his bedroom.  To make more room for Joe to play, we moved the full bed into Emily's room, and the twin bed into Joe's room.  We also moved his nightstand to Katie's old room. He will use the desk to function as his nightstand, and drawer for his special stuff.  The room does feel more open, and nice.  We also cleaned his closet, which had a lot of stuff from older jerseys, boy scout uniforms, and old work uniforms.  I washed all the bedding today, and artifully arranged Emily's ugly doll collection in her room.  Joe's is yet to be done.  I told Joe he's probably growing out of his character bedding, such as the glow in the dark space bear bedding.  I suggested plaid or stripes instead.  He said, "But I like my space bear bed!"  O.k....maybe we'll get a couple more years out of it.
Here are a few amusing things from the depths of the closet....
 A car powered by mousetrap of Zach's fun scout projects.

 A quizbowl medal...also Zach's.

The yo yo has Zach's name and our phone number written on the back!  Do you kids all remember your LLBean bookbags, that were sturdy enough to last your entire elementary school years?  And you all made these crafty beaded key chains! You know it's hard for Dad to let go of things. He said he wanted this book bag to put jumper cables in in the van.

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