Tuesday, April 30, 2013

5.1.13 Happy May Day!

Can't believe it's May, but the high is supposed to be in the 40's, with possible snow.  To take our minds off it, here's a May basket for you!
May days to celebrate...
May 1... May Day
May 3...Happy Birthday Caleigh~
May 3...The crowning of Mary
May 13th...Birthday of Great Grandpa Furniss
May 19th...Happy birthday Zach
May 20th...Happy birthday Leah
May 21st...Happy Birthday Dan
May 21st...Happy Birthday Jerad

4.22.13 New Sister!

Matthew Thomas is a big brother now!  We welcome Vivianne Senja to our family.  Congratulations to Chuck, Leah, Matthew, and Lindsey! 
Vivianne is such a beauty!  Matthew's first time "holding" Vivianne...
Matthew has been enjoying time with Grandad and his cousin, Michael.
Families are a blessing! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

4.21.13 Washing out the gray....

I've been coloring my hair since 6th grade.  Here's my procedure...
1.  Switch to a shirt that buttons up.
2.  Wear old glasses.
3.  Color hair.
Today I chose 103B, Natural Champagne blond.  I go darker in the fall, more golden in the spring, and lightest in the summer. So much less expensive than salon color. 

4.20.12 Scout O Rama

The theme for the 2013 Scout O Rama was something like "It's a Boy's Life", celebrating 100 years of Boys Life Magazine. Nathan, Audra, and I got together to plan.  We decided the three activities for our booth would be "Boy Dirt" pudding cups, a science experiement with a blow dryer and a ping pong ball that created a vortex, and hand sewing "Adventure Nets", which technically are butterfly nets, but could be multipurpose, such as for minnows.  Here are some photos Dan took at the event of our booth....

Open for business!  Craig, Liam, and Andy, and dad Greg.  You can see the poster I made at 5:00 a.m.!
I tried to describe our three activities, and also allude to the theme. 
Parents Greg, Stacie, and Kerri  ready for the action to begin. 
Noah"s family
Dad Chris, Brandon, and behind in orange is Cole.
Dad Bill, and Connor working, as well as Noah.  One of the things the judges look for, (You don't know who they are, and they visit booths throughout the day.) is how much the boys themselves are helping in the booth, rather than the parents.  You can also see I posted the requirements and electives for Tiger, Wolf, Bear Scouts, and Webelos on every table.  Another element the judges are looking for.  I didn't see any other booth that did this. 

Exciting news! Our Pack won the grand prize for our booth! Joe is holding the flag.  There is a travelling trophy.  So exciting! 
On a final note, Joe raced his pinewood derby car again.  All our pack's cars were faster here than in our local competition.  Joe tied for 6th place!

4.19.13 Happy Birthday Indyra!

God plans for us better than we can plan for ourselves.  Always, without exception! What are the chances that we would know and love DeeDee?  We are so blessed to have her and her family in our lives. My first birthday surprise was to meet her at school for lunch.  i never promise this to children, because chances are I could take a phone call and not make it on time.  It's better to surprise them.  I forgot what it was like to stand in line for lunch for 30 minutes, have 10 minutes to eat, in a room with a volume level of 500 decibals.  It was taco day, which really slows down the line.  The students have to choose hard shell or soft. Do they want taco meat? Refried beans?  Mexican rice?  Corn? then they need to select salsa, sour cream, and little cups of cheese as they move along.  That's ok.  I got to meet Indrya's good school friends!  I learned also, that her class has 3 Cadens and a Jaden.  There's only one Indrya!
I wanted to do something special for her 7th birthday, so Katie and I made her cake!
It is supposed to resemble a flower box.  The flowers are dumdum suckers, inserted into straws, covered with fruit roll ups! I bought a particular box of fruit roll ups, because it contained red and orange colored fruit roll up.  While the cake was baking, Katie helped me with the suckers.  We laughed when we realized the fruit roll ups I bought had riddles printed on them.  Noooo! Oh well, even though the words were printed in blue, the flowers looked ok!  Katie helped me with the layers of cake, which had lemon pie filling in between the layers, and putting the sugar wafer cookies around. End results were something unique, but also tasty!

Caleigh is a very thoughtful, artistic sister, and made Indyra these gifts of a lovely birthday crown and paper dollar! Photo is from my phone, so the deyails aren't good.
Sweet sisters! light was better in the afternoon when we brought the cake over. 
Here's Corbin, lighting the candles! 
Our birthday girl, making her wish...

And some gift opening...
Monster high doll...
Special guest Joanna! 
What is better than siblings watching you open gifts?

Special cards from grandparents....
 Indyra Rubi is a precious girl, and we loved her celebration.  Renia and Zach made Tortas, which are delicious shredded chicken sandwhiches with queso fresco, tomato, lettuce, avacado, and the rolls are football shaped.  Can't remember what they are called, but all was delicious.  It's good to be celebrated!

Monday, April 15, 2013

4.15.13 Nerd Day

Joey's school is having a "spirit day" today, and the student council voted to name it "Nerd Day."  Joey is very pleased with his ensemble!  The pocket protector was Grandpa Jerry's!  It says "Safety is for Everyone."  Thought this would make you smile.  Short pants, white socks, bow tie, pocket protector, and finally, tape on nose bridge of glasses! It's all good.
Close up view...
Emily said last night, "If you take away the glasses and the bow tie, he looks just like Dad!" 
Dan said, "I heard that!"  
Update photo for "Nerd Day, 2013...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

4.11.13 Super Snowman!

Three snow days in a row...unprecidented for our district.  A good time was had by all!  Dan picked me up from work (The van can't get out of the alley) and drove Joe and I by this family in our neighborhood.  Super Snowman is Super fun!)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

4-29-13 Egg Hunt

This year for the egg hunt, we needed eggs for Corbin, Caleb, Caleigh, Indyra, Joey, and Matthew. They each had their own color to hunt for. Katie and Jordan helped hide the eggs! Blog challenge...identify which color each kid looked for!

3-28-13 Dying Eggs

On Good Friday, we dye Easter eggs.  Joey and I did 18 before anyone else came to help!
In case you wonder, Joe is whistling.
Others joined in...Indrya and Caleigh!
Indyra and Matthew Thomas
Matthew Thomas

One of my favorite activities! 

4.7.13 First Holy Communion

Gone are the days when the entire group of 2nd graders celebrate first communion together.  They now allow kids to attend any ordinary mass, and you sign up for which of the 8 masses you will be at.  It is nice that they are able to reserve pews for the families that way.  It is less crowded.  6 kids can sign up for the mass, and this one had three girls and three boys.  Here is Joe, with 2 good friends, Charlie and Cole.
A fun side note...the shirt, pants, and tie Joe is wearing were worn by 
Zach 15 years ago, and Matt 17 years ago.  Brothers!
Here is Joe with Father Larry....
Joey with Mom and Dad:
Joey with Grandma Estell
and with our good friend, Joanna....
Joey helped decorate the cake.
Friends and Family helped us celebrate at home...Corbin, Caleb, 
Caleigh, Indyra, Katie, Jordan, Grandma Estell, Joanna, and Grandma Eleanor.
We are happy to celebrate this special day.